Aeon Mark 1312 learn all about the History of the RAM
The April meeting of Aeon Mark was due to be an Advancement ceremony but when the candidate became unavailable along with one or two of their key players, an alternative meeting had to be arranged.
Terry Ward and Gowan O'Hagan
The Lodge was honoured by a visit from our new Deputy Special Representative W. Bro. Gavan O’Hagan who was very recently appointed to that post by the RW Provincial Grand Master, Keith Alan Beardmore.
The Acting Master, Terry Ward, soon had the Lodge opened and the Elections of Master and Treasurer were soon out of the way and presented no surprises to anyone present with the current Master, Dave Bishop and Treasurer Henry Mayor being re elected for the 24-25 season.
Terry Ward with Stewart Seddon
Then the main event took place when out Chaplain W. Bro. Stewart Seddon, stepped up to the lectern and delivered a paper on the relevance of the Ark Mariner degree and where it sits in relation to the Mark degree, along with its history. A very well researched and presented paper which held the attention of the brethren during Stewart’s delivery.
Aeon Mark is fortunate in having a large proportion of it members who are already Ark Mariners.
Most of those in attendance
Following the presentation the last items of business were discharged, the lodge closed and there was just enough time to take a few photos for this article before we retired to the dining room for a meal provided by the Hall catering staff.
An excellent night all round.
Words and pictures by Mike Beesley